Список "горячих клавиш" Эдиуса. Получено на оф. сайте
time scale - fit Control+0
time scale - 1 frame Control+1
create transition (1sec) Alt+1
Track Height x1 Control+Shift+1
time scale - 5 frame Control+2
create transition (2sec) Alt+2
Track Height x2 Control+Shift+2
time scale - 1sec Control+3
create transition (3sec) Alt+3
Track Height x3 Control+Shift+3
time scale - 5 sec Control+4
create transition (4sec) Alt+4
Track Height x4 Control+Shift+4
time scale - 15 sec Control+5
create transition (5sec) Alt+5
time scale - 1 min Control+6
time scale - 5 min Control+7
time scale - 15 min Control+8
time scale - 1 hour Control+9
select all clips in selected tracks Control+A
ripple delete video clips Alt+A
ripple delete audio clips Alt+Control+A
select all clips in all tracks Shift+A
bin window B
add to batch capture list Control+B
slip trim mode Alt+B
rollin trim mode Alt+Control+B
add to bin Shift+B
Add clip to Bin Control+Shift+B
move jointed clips Alt+Shift+B
Clear Clip Channel - Video Tracks C
copy to clipboard (timeline) Control+C
delete video of selected clip Alt+C
delete audio of selected clip Alt+Control+C
Set Clip Channel - Video Shift+C
delete In/Out D
divide selected track at cursor location Control+D
ripple delete In/Out Alt+D
divide selected track at IN/OUT point Alt+Control+D
divide all tracks at cusor location Shift+D
divide all tracks at IN/OUT point Alt+Shift+D
paste video in player to timeline E
select all clips at cursor location, in selected tracks Control+E
change speed of clip Alt+E
select all clips between timeline track In/Out point Alt+Control+E
select all clips at cursor location, in selected tracks Shift+E
edit of clip Control+Shift+E
select all clips between timeline In/Out point Alt+Shift+E
match frame jump [player] F
match frame jump [timeline] Control+F
delete filters on all selected clips Alt+F
delete audio filter on selected clip Alt+Control+F
search bin for clips that contains current source timecode from timeline clip Shift+F
search bin from clips that contains current source timecode from player Control+Shift+F
delete video filter on selected clip Alt+Shift+F
toggle status display Control+G
delete mixer on selected clip Alt+G
delete key on selected mixer track Alt+Control+G
clip render Shift+G
delete track transition on selected mixer track Alt+Shift+G
delete transparency on selected mixer track Alt+Control+Shift+G
toggle palette display H
toggle safe area display Control+H
Display thumbnail Alt+H
delete pan settings on audio rubber band Alt+Control+H
toggle cross-line display Shift+H
delete volume settings on audio rubber band Alt+Shift+H
set IN point (video) I
set clip groupd Control+I
delete IN point Alt+I
time scale - zoom in Shift+I
remove clip group Control+Shift+I
reverse J
toggle jog/shuttle Control+J
move cursor to OUT point of selected clip Alt+J
Shuttle speed (slow) Alt+Control+J
set add video Shift+J
move cursor to IN point of selected clip Alt+Shift+J
pause external input K
paste transition to cursor Control+K
create transition to OUT point Alt+K
pause external input Alt+Control+K
set add audio Shift+K
create transition to IN point Alt+Shift+K
fast forward L
link clip Control+L
layout tool Alt+L
Shuttle speed (fast) Alt+Control+L
lock track Shift+L
unlink clip Control+Shift+L
trim - OUT point M
ripple trim OUT Alt+M
slide trim OUT Alt+Control+M
split trim OUT Shift+M
split ripple trim OUT Alt+Shift+M
split slide trim OUT Alt+Control+Shift+M
trim - IN point N
enabled/disable clip Control+N
ripple trim IN Alt+N
slide trim IN Alt+Control+N
split trim IN Shift+N
enable only this clip Control+Shift+N
split ripple trim IN Alt+Shift+N
split slide trim IN Alt+Control+Shift+N
set OUT point (video) O
open project (monitor/timeline) Control+O
delete OUT point Alt+O
time scale - zoom out Shift+O
Add clip to Bin Control+Shift+O
preview window P
create default transition Control+P
create transition - OUT point Alt+P
change to player Alt+Control+P
Capture Shift+P
open the original file of a clip Control+Shift+P
create transition - IN point Alt+Shift+P
partial render (between IN-OUT point) Q
render red area (between IN-OUT) Control+Q
delete temp files Alt+Q
render orange area (between IN-OUT) Alt+Control+Q
render and add new track (between IN-OUT point) Shift+Q
render red area (all) Control+Shift+Q
render orange area (all) Alt+Control+Shift+Q
replace clip (timeline) Control+R
replace filter on selected clip Alt+R
change to recorder Alt+Control+R
replace clip only Shift+R
replace mixer on selected clip Control+Shift+R
replace clip and filter Alt+Shift+R
audio rubberband S
save project Control+S
extend audio track display Alt+S
audio mute Shift+S
ripple delete open spaces Alt+Shift+S
timeline window T
save still image (timeline) Control+T
delete transitions for all selected clips Alt+T
delete clip crossfade Alt+Control+T
trim Shift+T
set cut point Control+Shift+T
delete clip transition Alt+Shift+T
add/delete rubber band points U
time scale - undo Control+U
duration Alt+U
duration - track transition OUT Alt+Control+U
delete rubber band settings Shift+U
intialize rubber band setting Control+Shift+U
duration - tranck transition IN Alt+Shift+U
add marker V
paste to cursor location (timeline) from clipboard Control+V
paste to OUT point of selected clip Alt+V
V mute Shift+V
paste to IN point of selected clip Alt+Shift+V
time scale - zoom in Control+NumPad+
open right click menu Apps/Context Menu
delete Delete
ripple delete Alt+Delete
cut to clipboard (timeline) Shift+Delete
move track select - down Down
move select - down Alt+Down
toggle focus - down Alt+Control+Down
pause external input Shift+Down
add focus - down Alt+Shift+Down
move focus - down Alt+Control+Shift+Down
move cursor to end fo timeline End
select to end of selected track Control+End
select to end of all tracks from the timeline cursor Shift+End
clear focus Escape
display menu (monitor) Shift+F1
fast forward external input F10
rewind external input(fast) F2
display menu (timeline) Shift+F2
rewind external input F3
display menu (bin) Shift+F3
move to frame before input F4
display menu (player) Shift+F4
stop external input and play F5
display menu (recorder) Shift+F5
pause external input F6
pause/play external input F7
move to next frame on external input F8
move forward external input F9
move cursor to start of timeline Home
select to start of selected track Control+Home
select to start of all tracks from the timeline cursor Shift+Home
toggle insert/overwrite mode Insert
copy to clipboard (timeline) Control+Insert
paste to cursor location (timeline) from clipboard Shift+Insert
frame back Left
move to previous edit point Control+Left
move focus - left Alt+Left
toggle focus - left Alt+Control+Left
10 frames back Shift+Left
add focus - left Alt+Shift+Left
move focus - left Alt+Control+Shift+Left
move to next edit point PageDown
scroll - right Control+PageDown
select all clips to back Alt+PageDown
move cursor to next marker Shift+PageDown
scroll - down Control+Shift+PageDown
move to previous edit point PageUp
scroll - left Control+PageUp
select all clips forward Alt+PageUp
move cursor to previous marker Shift+PageUp
scroll - up Control+Shift+PageUp
play/stop Enter
clip properties Alt+Enter
buffer playback Shift+Enter
frame forward Right
move to next edit point Control+Right
move focus - right Alt+Right
toggle focus - right Alt+Control+Right
10 frames forward Shift+Right
add focus - right Alt+Shift+Right
move focus - right Alt+Control+Shift+Right
play/stop Spacebar
loop playback Control+Spacebar
add focus Alt+Spacebar
buffer playback Shift+Spacebar
toggle focus Alt+Control+Shift+Spacebar
time scale - zoom out Control+NumPad-
toggle player/recorder Tab
toggle player/recorder Shift+Tab
move track select - up Up
move focus - up Alt+Up
toggle focus - up Alt+Control+Up
add focus - up Alt+Shift+Up
move focus - up Alt+Control+Shift+Up
mixer rubberband W
display waveform Control+W
extend mixer track display Alt+W
video mute Shift+W
Clear Clip Channel - Audio Tracks X
cut to clipboard (timeline) Control+X
ripple cut Alt+X
Set Clip Channel - Mono Audio Shift+X
Set Clip Channel - Stereo Audio Control+Shift+X
move rubber band point Y
Redo Control+Y
move all rubber band points Alt+Y
display in source monitor Shift+Y
rubber band scale Alt+Shift+Y
Clear Clip Channel - All Tracks Z
Undo Control+Z
Redo Control+Shift+Z
TC jump(+) NumPad+
TC jump (-) NumPad-
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Горячие клавиши Эдиуса
Started by
Алекс М
, 24 12 2005 05:52
2 ответов в этой теме
Отправлено 24 дек 2005 - 05:52
Отправлено 24 дек 2005 - 06:01
Вот если бы кто еще и перводик кто бы рядышком написал "Мы б тогда этого Эдиуса в три раза быстрей освоили" А то с англицким не особо в ладах
Отправлено 24 дек 2005 - 06:06
Не столько нужно это читать (даже простого словаря, кстати при необходимости хватит для перевода словосочетания/слова, а вообще - это общепринятые обозначения во всех монтажках, так, что может и выучить есть смысл), а нужно распечать этот список шорт катов и попробывать и приэтом главное понять, что делает каждый шорт кат. При таком подходе освоить этот редактор без единой страницы документации можно за неделю
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